Direct English で学べる表現|Level 5 Unit 40 Lesson 3



1. レッスン3の概要と登場人物


Nancy and Beth are having a talk, mainly about Richard’s career.

What is Beth worried about?

High School Student
Interior Designer

2. 会話で使われた重要なフレーズと実践的な例文

1. You’re supposed to do the whole load yourself – start to finish.

解説:「You’re supposed to」は「~することになっている」を意味し、義務や期待を表します。「start to finish」は「最初から最後まで」を意味します。
例文:You’re supposed to complete your homework before watching TV.

2. It happens when you make a name for yourself.

解説:「It happens」は「それは起こる」を意味し、「when you make a name for yourself」は「自分が有名になる時」を指します。
例文:You can make a name for yourself in this industry if you work hard.

3. You have to decide for yourself whether to answer them.

解説:「You have to」は「~しなければならない」を意味し、「decide for yourself」は「自分で決める」を意味します。
例文:You have to decide for yourself what career path to take.

4. We’ll keep things as normal as possible for ourselves.

解説:「We’ll keep」は「私たちは維持する」を意味し、「as normal as possible」は「できるだけ普通に」を意味します。
例文:We’ll keep things as simple as possible for the event.

5. He was doing it so well, he’s on the news.

解説:「He was doing it so well」は過去進行形で「彼はそれをとてもうまくやっていた」を意味し、「he’s on the news」は現在形で「彼がニュースに出ている」を意味します。
例文:She was singing so beautifully, she got a standing ovation.

6. But you can always come to us and talk about it.

解説:「But」は対比を示し、「you can always」は「いつでも~できる」を意味します。
例文:If you have any questions, you can always ask me.

7. I just hope they don’t get totally invasive.

解説:「I just hope」は「私はただ~を願う」を意味し、「totally invasive」は「完全に侵入的」を意味します。
例文:I just hope they don’t ask too many personal questions.

8. Speaking of which, I am going to the pool tomorrow morning.

解説:「Speaking of which」は話題を切り替える際に使われ、「I am going to」は現在進行形で未来の予定を表します。
例文:Speaking of which, did you see the latest episode of that show?

9. Don’t make me go all by myself.

解説:「Don’t make me」は「私に~させないで」を意味し、「all by myself」は「完全に一人で」を強調します。
例文:Don’t make me clean the house alone.

3. 「My Family and Career Goals」というテーマで、短いエッセイを書いてみましょう。


  1. 主題を決める:例えば「家族とキャリアの選択」
  2. アウトラインを作成:主要なポイントを箇条書きにする
  3. 具体的な詳細を考える:家族の関係やキャリアの目標
  4. 学んだ表現を組み込む:レッスンで学んだフレーズを使用する
  5. 感情や雰囲気を描写する:読者が情景を想像できるようにする


Title: My Family and Career Goals

As I reflect on my family and career goals, I realize that my parents have always been supportive of my choices. My mom, Nancy, reminds me that I’m supposed to take care of my responsibilities, from start to finish. She emphasizes the importance of being independent and making decisions for myself.

It happens when you make a name for yourself that people start to notice you. My dad, Richard, has been doing his job so well that he’s even on the news! However, I worry that this might lead to invasive questions from the media. I just hope they don’t get totally invasive.

To keep things normal, my mom suggests we go swimming together. Speaking of which, I am going to the pool tomorrow morning. Don’t make me go all by myself; it’s more fun with family. We’ll keep things as normal as possible for ourselves, even with all the changes happening around us.

Overall, my career goal is to find a balance between personal life and professional success. I hope that one day, I can make a name for myself in my chosen field without losing sight of what’s truly important.


このレッスンでは、NancyとBethの会話を通じて、家族の関係やキャリアの選択について学びました。学んだ表現を使って、自分の家族やキャリアについて話してみましょう。例えば、「You’re supposed to take care of your responsibilities, but sometimes it’s hard when you make a name for yourself and face media attention.」(あなたは自分の責任を果たすことになっているですが、自分が有名になってメディアの注目を浴びると時々難しいことがあります。)のように使えます。合ってみましょう。


