1. レッスン2の概要と登場人物

Michael and Danny are having a dinner party.
What was Danny’s father’s “one rule?”
2. 会話で使われた重要なフレーズと実践的な例文
- 1. Do you think he does this all the time?
解説:「do you think + 主語 + 動詞の原形」の構文で、相手の意見や推測を尋ねています。
例文:Do you think she likes this kind of music?
(彼女はこの種の音楽が好きだと思う?) - 2. It’s not often I make my sauce.
解説:「it’s not often + 主語 + 動詞の原形」で、ある行動が頻繁ではないことを示しています。
例文:It’s not often I go to the movies.
(私は映画を見に行くことはあまりない。) - 3. Be practical.
解説:命令文で、「be + 形容詞」の形で相手に指示しています。
例文:Be careful.
(気をつけて。) - 4. This is unusually civilized.
解説:「this is + 副詞 + 形容詞」の構造で、通常とは異なる状態を表現しています。
例文:The weather is unusually warm for this time of year.
(この時期としては異常に暖かい天気だ。) - 5. She must have been surprised the first time you came home from college.
解説:「must have + 過去分詞」で過去の出来事についての確信を表現しています。
例文:He must have been thrilled the first time he saw his name in print.
(彼は初めて自分の名前が活字になるのを見た時、興奮したに違いない。)」 - 6. The basic recipe is the same, but I put in a few things my mother would not approve of.
例文:The basic design is the same, but I added a few features the original creator might not approve of.
(基本的なデザインは同じだけど、元の作者が認めないかもしれない機能をいくつか追加したんだ。) - 7. In high school she’d always ask me if I intended to leave the house that way.
例文:In college, my roommate would always ask me if I intended to stay up all night studying.
3. 実践練習
ライティング:「Rules to Live By」というテーマで、自分の生活の規則について短いエッセイを書いてみましょう。
- 主題を決める:例えば「自分で作った規則と他人が作った規則」
- アウトラインを作成:主要なポイントを箇条書きにする
- 具体例を準備:個人的な経験や観察を含める
- 学んだ表現を活用:レッスンで学んだフレーズを組み込む
- 結論を考える:主題に対する自分の立場や学んだことをまとめる
Title: Rules to Live By
I’ve always been fascinated by the rules we create for ourselves and those imposed on us by others. It’s not often I make my own sauce, but when it comes to life rules, I have a few that I strictly follow.
Be practical – that’s one rule my father always emphasized. In high school, he’d always ask me if I intended to leave the house without checking the weather forecast. Now, I always check the forecast before heading out.
However, some rules are meant to be broken. The basic recipe for success might be the same for everyone, but I put in a few things society might not approve of. For instance, I took a gap year after college, something my advisor was surprised about when I first came home from college.
This is unusually civilized, writing about rules instead of breaking them. But as Michael would say, you need to know the rules before you can break them. So here I am, learning and sometimes bending the rules, trying to find my own path in life.
Do you think we do this all the time – constantly negotiating between our rules and society’s expectations? I believe we do, and that’s what makes life interesting.
学んだ表現を使って、自分の生活や経験について話してみましょう。例えば、「It’s not often I break my own rules, but when I do, I must have a good reason.」(自分のルールを破ることはあまりないけど、破る時は必ず良い理由があるはずだ。)のように使えます。