1. レッスン3の概要と登場人物

Richard and Nancy are having a dinner party.
What does Yvonne imagine?
2. 重要表現解説:日常会話で使える頻出フレーズ
- 1. Richard, if your dinners are like this every night, I’m going to be a very jealous man.
解説:仮定法現在を使用しています。「if + 主語 + 現在形, 主語 + will + 動詞」の構造で、将来の可能性について話す際に使います。
例文:If your cooking is always this good, I’m going to want to come over every day.
(もしあなたの料理がいつもこんなに美味しいなら、毎日来たくなってしまうよ。) - 2. Any food will make Richard happy.
解説:「any + 名詞 + will + 動詞」の構造で、条件に関係なくその結果が得られることを示します。
例文:Any movie will make her laugh.
(どんな映画でも彼女を笑わせるでしょう。) - 3. I’ve seen the Chinese food cartons.
解説:現在完了形「I’ve seen」で過去の経験を表します。
例文:I’ve seen your dog playing in the yard.
(あなたの犬が庭で遊んでいるのを見たことがあります。) - 4. We eat too late.
解説:現在形を使用して普段の習慣を表しています。「too + 形容詞」で「~すぎる」という意味になります。
例文:We work too much.
(私たちは働きすぎです。) - 5. Can you imagine the fun we’d have?
解説:仮定法過去を使用しています。「Can you imagine + 名詞句」で想像することを尋ねます。
例文:Can you imagine the places we’d visit?
(私たちが訪れる場所を想像できる?) - 6. So, you guys have been putting in a lot of hours?
例文:So, you’ve been working on this project all week?
(それで、今週ずっとこのプロジェクトに取り組んでいるんですね?) - 7. Can I sneak into your suitcase?
例文:Can I sneak into your team for the next game?
3. 実践練習
ライティング:「My Perfect Dinner Party」というテーマで、短いエッセイを書いてみましょう。
- テーマを選ぶ:例えば「理想の晩餐会」
- アウトラインを作成:主要なポイントを箇条書きにする
- 具体的な詳細を考える:料理、装飾、会話のトピックなど
- 学んだ表現を組み込む:レッスンで学んだフレーズを使用する
- 感情や雰囲気を描写する:読者が場面を想像できるようにする
Title: My Perfect Dinner Party
If my dinners were like Richard’s every night, I’m sure my friends would be very jealous. I can imagine the fun we’d have, gathered around a beautifully set table with five courses and candlelight.
For my perfect dinner party, I’d invite a mix of close friends and interesting acquaintances. The menu would feature dishes from around the world, ensuring any food would make my guests happy. We’d start with a light appetizer, perhaps some bruschetta, followed by a refreshing salad. The main course would be a succulent roast, accompanied by various side dishes. Of course, we’d end with a decadent dessert.
Throughout the evening, conversation would flow freely. We might discuss our recent work projects – “So, you guys have been putting in a lot of hours?” – or share exciting plans for upcoming vacations. Someone might jokingly ask, “Can I sneak into your suitcase?” when hearing about a friend’s exotic trip.
We’d eat at a reasonable hour, unlike Joe and Marie who eat too late. The atmosphere would be relaxed and jovial, with laughter filling the room. As the night winds down, I hope my guests would leave feeling satisfied, both by the food and the company.
Hosting such a dinner party might be a lot of work, but seeing my friends enjoy themselves would make it all worthwhile. After all, good food and good company are two of life’s greatest pleasures.
学んだ表現を使って、自分の経験や想像上の状況について話してみましょう。例えば、「If I hosted dinner parties like Richard’s, I can imagine the fun we’d have. Any food would make my guests happy, but we might eat too late!」(もし私がRichardのような晩餐会を開いたら、どんなに楽しいか想像できます。どんな料理でもゲストを喜ばせるでしょうが、食事の時間が遅くなりすぎるかもしれません!)のように使えます。